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INTERVIEW: Riccardo Noè

Today we welcome Riccardo Noè to the site for todays interview.

Can you tell us a little about your experience so far in the music business?

Hi to everyone,

I started back when I was 17 years old, during my teen age, at school.

Music for me was the hobby, the passion, to escape from the real world, as for many before me, and it was always divided in 2 different interactions: going out to a club, going to the music shop.

After years to buy, play for, mostly, parties organized by friends or so, finally I decided to organize my own event: SYNTHEKE. At the same time I studied as audio engineer. This when I was about 24/25 years old.

By the end of 2014 I started my own label with the same name.

Where are you from? and do you feel that has a big impact on your sound?

I'm from Milan, Italy.

I think my hometown had a big impact on my roots, since the early days.

Despite we never had a real musical circuit, it influenced me a lot.

The emptyness of It first, the curiosity, the passion then

What artists and genres do you enjoy most right now?

During the last years I appreciated very much what came from experimental, drone and ambient music around the world.

For example Ben Frost, Saba Alizadeh (a musician from Iran) and Shackleton, a master, of course, to name a few.

Was your new record a big endevour? or did it come together easily?

Good question.

No, it has begun when I released my album "CABAL", back in 2018.

This one was focused on jewish myth, referring to Talmud and even Torah, in a way.

Music was much more experimental, drone and ambient, and has been successful in Italy, as much as around Europe. It has been pressed on vinyl too, and everything was sold in less than 2 years.

I always though there's a big disinformation about religious minority. Many talk about Palestine, while don't give a f*ck about coptic, for example. That's why I decided to release a series of EP focused on it.

Maybe in the future I will release something about armenians too..

Has that sound changed a lot in recent years?

If you mean Techno, the Hypnotic, Raw one, yes, of course.

I remember back in 2010, or 2011, when minimal Techno was fading down, that music was slow very slow.

In less than 5 years things have changed completely.

Now is like to goin back to the early 2000s, late 90s, and that's very much better.

We are livin in a world that's a circle, so everything go back any 15/20 years or so.

Now we got a backward to that era, and thanks to many female artists too.

Do you feel safe now to have a more experimental sound?

My music, as I previously said, is much more club oriented, but I made it for years (experimental) , and I will do in the future. So in the end yes, I feel safe.

We all know that the digital revolution has affected sales, but has it affected creativity?

Good point.

Digital revolution changed music industry in a bad way, maybe, for sales, cause many buy digitally, right now.

This taking into account during the last years many label went back to press vinyls. Obliuvsly the numbers are very much different from the 90s, for example, but is a sign.

But at the same time technology offer many opportunities.

For example, think about how is easy, right now, to do music just with some plungins and a DAW you can easly buy everywhere, while until 15 years ago it was very much expensive. Much more than today, cause you needed to buy hardwares, synthesizers, drum machines, etc etc…

Can you tell us whats next for you?

Continues to push to the limit. Trying to take over my mission to share, create and help italian artists to have their own space in music industry.

The Future Is Unwritten.

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