‘Y Nos’ is the phenomenal and atmospheric new album by ‘Woodooman’, Cardiff resident and Multi-Instrumentalist and Artist, Iwan Ap Huw Morgan.
"The album draws on the artist’s love of solitude. It is a celebration of the beauty of the night and its mystery as he urges us to free our minds and open our hearts to the unknown."
'Y Nos' is a collection of tracks encapsulates the from ‘fire to ice’ landscape of Morgan's newest creative offerings, delving into a darker psychedelic world of experimental, underground, stoner-punk.
Intense, atmospheric and tribal in instances; ‘Y Nos’ is an uplifting and haunting experience that is filled with elements of Woodooman's mystical roots. 'Morgan's' visceral vocals really are striking and stunning, dedicated Influences like the late great Mark Lanegan and Nick Cave really emerge to the surface.
'Y Nos' will be released on the 24th June via Recordiau Dewin Records
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‘Y Nos’ yw Albym newydd atmosfferig ‘Woodooman’, yr artist aml-offerynnol o Gaerdydd, Iwan Ap Huw Morgan.
"Mae'r albym yn tynnu ar gariad yr artist at unigedd. Mae'n ddathliad o harddwch y nos a'i dirgelwch sy'n ein hannog i ryddhau ein meddyliau a'n calonnau i'r anhysbys."
Mae ‘Y Nos’ yn gasgliad o ganeuon sy’n crynhoi tirwedd 'o dân i rew’ arlwy creadigol diweddaraf Iwan, gan dreiddio i fyd seicedelig tywyllach o stoner-punk arbrofol, tanddaearol.
Dwys, atmosfferig a tribal ar adegau; mae ‘Y Nos’ yn brofiad dyrchafol ac arswydus sy’n llawn elfennau o wreiddiau cyfriniol Woodooman.
Mae llais angerddol 'Morgan' yn wirioneddol drawiadol a syfrdanol, a dylanwadau fel y diweddar fawr Mark Lanegan a Nick Cave yn dod i'r arwyneb.
Bydd 'Y Nos' yn rhyddhau ar 24ain o Fehefin drwy Recordiau Dewin.