Hi! Where can we find you right now? How did you start your day?
Hi! Right now I am in my little studio, here in Lleida, the city where I live. As almost everyday, today I woke up early and I spent a pair of hours doing music first of all, before starting my activities scheduled. I like to create music when I just wake up, because then I have more creativity and I feel more inspired, especially when starting new tracks.
What was your first foray into the world of electronic music?
I discovered techno music when I was 15. The club Florida 135 is one of the best clubs in Spain and it’s close to my city, so we used to go to the club almost every weekend. Then, I was completely seduced by electronic music, and became a techno fan. Years later, I started DJing, playing in many clubs in my area.
When did the idea of starting a project start to take shape? Has it always been something you wanted to do?
It came naturally. At the beginning I was just a techno fan, because I thought the DJ place was reserved for those who really know, but I always listened to sets, looking for the tracklists, and being interested in the scene. After this, I started to play at home and one day I decided to start to play in events and clubs. Then, I discovered it was my passion.
About production, it was something similar. When I started DJing, I also thought about the possibility of creating my own music, but I believed that it was something complicated, reserved to very experienced artists and I did not have enough time. However, as I studied music and played the violin when I was young, I always had this will and passion to create my own music, so I decided to dedicate hours and hours to learn about production and to create my own sound.
How would you define the sound of Expedition to Mars? What is the concept behind?
The sound of Expedition to Mars is a mixture of the different moods that I have tried to translate during the last months in my productions. There are tracks with hypnotic atmospheres and patterns with which I intend to make the listener abstract and make their own interpretation, while other tracks like Close To Her Home and Stay are a direct embodiment of the emotions and sensations that I have wanted to convey directly.
The story tells of a crew that goes to Mars motivated by the hunger that the human being has to discover new and unknown worlds. This can also be interpreted as a metaphor, because the concern to explore new facets of oneself and enter new fields (in this case especially in relation to music), can allow us to break down barriers, discover new things and even know and make connections with special people.
What artists are you interested in these days?
This is the most difficult question for me, because there are a lot of artists doing amazing music nowadays and I’m very interested. I will say a few names, but there are many other artists that I could also name. For example PTTRN, Lewis Fautzi, Planetary Assault Systems, Divide, Temudo or SRAMAANA, are the authors of some of the tracks that I played in my latest podcast.
How do you manage to combine such disparate genres? How do you manage to give them unity and harmony? What do they have in common for you?
I am a true music lover, I mean that I am focused on techno but I also like other genres, for example I am passionate about the atmospheres of the ambient music or the space movies soundtracks, and I also love the emotional melodies which I try to translate to some of my tracks.
And about unity and harmony… I don’t know. I suppose that although the themes are disparate from each other and reflect different emotions, all those emotions come from the same person who created them and that personality maintains the cohesion.
How would you define your sound?
Eclectic. Sometimes emotional, other times just energic, and always hypnotic.
Would you like to share a set? Can you tell us more about this? When and how was it recorded?
Of course! Here you can listen to this podcast I recorded 4-5 years ago for Esenzia, a platform with which I collaborated and which organized some techno events in Lleida.
Can you tell us something about your current or future projects?
I have a pair of EPs signed and scheduled with two labels, also working on new projects. Special mention to an EP that we are doing together with my friend Nitromi Galien as co-producer and also as vocalist.