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"I always try to be different"

Avision reates music that works in all settings and transcends genres. His openness to a wide range of sound is what has both made him a widely loved favourite, but also someone who operates in his own parallel musical world. We had a chance to talk to him, so enjoy your reading and check out his latest releases.

Do you remember when music was first presented to you when you were a child? Was it through playing an instrument, listening to the radio, or through your family?

My Dad is a musician, and he bought me a drum set when I was 3 years old and started teaching me the basics. He realized I had a natural feel for rhythm, and always encouraged me from a really young age.

You live in New York. How much has the city and its scene influenced you in your musical work?

New York has influenced me in every single track that I’ve made. It’s not something I think consciously about, but being raised here and being around the music scene here is exactly what’s developed my sound to what it is.

Have you found it easy to continue producing during lockdown?

In the beginning, I was excited to really dive into the studio and work on music. Lately it’s been up and down, which is to be expected after this pandemic has been lasting awhile. Some weeks I’ll knock out 3 tracks and some there’s none. I guess it depends on how I’m feeling at the time.

Talking about producing, how do you usually build your tracks? Using example your last release on Mindshake - which we loved! What inspired you for that EP?

Sometimes I start with the drums and groove first, and other times it’s with a sample. The disco sounds are what inspired me for the Mindshake EP. I was playing one night, and I had the vocal line for “79 Jump Off” in my head during a build up and new I had to try that out. “Feelin’ You” was a track that started with a groove first, and then I built the track around the sample.

Do you experiment with your music? If so, how do you think you achieve being more experimental? Has this changed during lockdown or been something you feel important always as a producer?

Of course I experiment with my music! I always try to sound different than the last track. It may have the same style as another track, but the sounds I always try and switch up whether it be the melody, the groove, the BPM, everything. I always try to be different.

It’s changed a little bit during lockdown as far as being more experimental. I’ve had some extra time to dive into my outboard gear, which adds a different element than just producing in the box.

How would you define your sound if someone asked you to sum it up?

Groovy, New York-style Techno. It’s like our pizza. It’s just good, you know lol?

What is your current studio set up? Any piece of equipment you would never get rid of, and why?

I have some gear that was from my Dad’s studio that I would never sell like a Yamaha DX-7, Korg EX8000, Nord Lead 2, Akai AX-80. For the most part though, I keep it pretty simple and work in the box a lot just with Logic.

Are you looking forward to getting back to the club or nervous? Do you think the times where we could have fun without so many restrictions will return or has the pandemic changed everything?

I’ll never be nervous to get back to a club. That’s one of the places where I feel the most comfortable. I am worried that this pandemic will be prolonged, and we can’t get back to what we were used to as soon as we want. Eventually it’ll come back though, we’ll figure out a solution.

Looking back, have you ever imagined you would become a name in the music industry, be playing to crowds of fans and meet some of your idols?

When I was a kid, I always imagined it, but it’s different when it starts to actually happen. I think it takes some sort of imagination to achieve any kind of success, but I still have a long way to go.

Aside from music, what makes you happy? Have you found a new hobby or passion since you are at home all the time?

Being able to spend extended time with my family is one of the things that makes me happiest. It’s not a new hobby, but I’ve been able to experiment with cooking a lot more during this time. I’ve also got back into my hobby of baseball cards.

Can you tell us your current or future projects? Where can we continue to see and hear Avision?

I’ve been working on an album, so you can expect that in the near future. We just launched my Bandcamp page as well, where I’ll be releasing more exclusive tunes on. Make sure you follow it at:

Would you like to share a recent set with us? When and how was it recorded?

This is my recent set for Maceo Plex’s Ellum Radio series. It was recorded in my home studio during the lockdown:p


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