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Producer P4 publishes the EP: "Can You Feel It". We have had the pleasure of interviewing him and this has been the result.

How would you present your work to someone who doesn't know you?

I would present my work through a Showcase in a discotheque in Ibiza

And your last job? Where is it born? And where do you want to lead?

This is not my last work, there are others in the pipeline. This latest work was born in Ischia and wants to go around the world.

What message would you like to convey to the public?

My musical concept: dynamic, experimental and warm

How was your last project born?


What do you want to convey in this work? What is the concept behind?

Home studio

As for your studio, what is it currently composed of?

My consoles

What is the one instrument you would never get rid of, no matter what?

It was a little vinyl shop in London, Shoreditch area, a bit vintage, but very cosy, can't remember the name.

What was the last record store you visited? And what did you salvage from there?

The music world is ravenous so you have to be proactive.

Can you reveal some future projects to us?

There are more ep's coming out in the next few months.

What makes you happy?

It makes me happy when I see the audience get excited by my music and that makes me satisfied because I was able to convey real emotions.

That bothers you?

The change, on the part of the users, of certain musical tastes


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