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INTERVIEW: Lewis Fautzi

Lewis Fautzi's new album will arrive in mid-September this year on Faut Section.

'Manner of Death' comes after the artist experienced one of the hardest moments of his life, after a serious accident in which he broke both legs.

We have had the pleasure of speaking with Lewis and this has been the result.

Can you tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from and how did you get into music?

For sure. I'm from small town in the north of Portugal, Barcelos. I've been into music since I was 13. I've started to play in some bars until i took the decision that I now consider the best I've made in my life: to learn how to create and produce music.

What first attracted you to the world of electronic music?

The music itself. The feelings is incredible and to be able to play for crowds and watch people with a smile still gets me everytime.

Do you remember any album or concert that made you see everything differently?

Actually, no. I have some favourite albums but not one I can define as a life changer.

In 2013 you released on Soniculture, how have you evolved as an artist since then?

That's true. It way Very successful and it gave the opportunity to be where I am today. It was through Soniculture that my name has started to gain some expression in the scene.

What can you tell us about your latest album "Manner of Death”?

It is a very special album for me as it was thought, planned and created during one of the worst times of my life. The approach is different from the usual. It's not dancefloor material. It's my way of going beyond the ordinary and explore different fields of the electronic music.

We all know that the digital revolution has changed the way music is sold, but do you think it has affected creativity?

Not to me, no. My music is still released in vinyl and that's how it's gonna be until my career is over. That feeling of having music in my hands hits different. And it's something that will never be lost. It's there. It's somehow physical.

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