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Tony Rainwater

"I think there is going to be more good music made during this time than would be made if this didn’t happen due to people being stuck at home with their gear"

Tony Rainwater creates music that works in all settings and transcends genres. We had a chance to talk to him, so enjoy your reading and check out his latest releases. Read our interview below to find out more about Tony’s wide-spanning influences, creative environment and studio methods.

Hi Tony! How’s it going?

It’s going well!

What was your first foray into the world of electronic music?

I’m 31 so I was obsessed with blog house when I was a teenager.

In and out of the electronic music circle, who is an inspiration to you?

Anyone who is in recovery from a substance abuse disorder.

What was the last record store you visited and what did you keep there?

I haven’t purchased any records in a couple years to be honest. I buy music from bandcamp.

Can you live on music? Do you need to combine your creative work with other works?

I also create clothing and I need visual art almost as much as I need music.

Are you particularly permeable to your environment, creatively speaking? If so, how does it influence your DJ focus? And producing?

Not really to be honest. I like to sit in a dark room with a laptop. The environment I’m in doesn’t matter.

You have a really eclectic sound when mixing, what has influenced you to be so musically varied in your approach?

I’m not sure, I really just like a lot of music. Sometimes I don’t listen to techno or house for years.

Would you like to share a set? Can you tell us more about it? When and how was it recorded?

I honestly have no memory of recording this, I’m sorry! I believe I have over 400 hours of recorded mixes online at the moment so I’m a little bit lost in the sauce.

What makes a good mix to you?

Good songs. Sometimes I hear people say strange stuff like “you can’t have big, amazing songs back to back in a mix—you need to space them out!!!” I don’t believe in that at all. I want my mixes to only have great tracks in them.

For people that have never heard you play before, how would you describe your sound to them?

Maximalist, impatient, spazzy.

What is it about breaks that you like so much?

I actually don’t know. I truly don’t. They just.....rule so hard.

What was your first break album that you said "this is the way”?

Whoa....I don’t know the answer to this. My favorite breaks based track of all time is The House Crew – Euphoria (Nino’s Dream)

How did you come up with the musical project Trancebreaks? What inspired you?

I’m just here for the ride! It’s clearly a huge trend right now in electronic music. I’m just doing my best to listen to as much of it as I can and play the role of an armchair archivist by obsessively putting it all in mixes.

What was your composition criteria for this compilation of tracks?

As I said before I have no recollection due to the immense volume of mixes I make.

Many of the tracks that make up trancebreakers are from old tracks from the 90s.

Why did you decide to get them back? What is it about those tracks that you like so much?

While there are some tracks from the 90s in the trancebreaks mix series I would say the vast majority of them are from the last 3 years, and most of them are from the last 6 months haha. The sound was present in the 90s as well with slightly less pads and acid lines.

What can you tell us about Parola? How was this track born?

This track is simply an edit of a Donato Dozzy song that I put breakbeats under. Sounds sick though.

What about Trigolique? It seems the perfect track to close a set.

This is another edit I made of ambient trance fairytale. Works really well with breakbeats.

Could you tell us the production criteria of each track in a few words?

I looped breakbeats over ambient trance tracks.

Do you think we live in a time where breaks are increasingly present? What do you think it is due to?

Breaks are taking over. I think this is due to the fact that they really, really sound good. The funny thing is my wife hates breakbeats.

So what music are you currently obsessed by? Have you picked up any records recently that you have been playing in every set or have been listening to every day?

The new Lil Uzi vert albums are amazing. I also think Lone is the best producer out.

What tracks would you recommend us to liven up the confinement?

I would recommend the track by Pharoah Saunders – Greeting to Saud

What makes you happy?

My wife.

What pisses you off?

People asking me for free clothing on instagram.

How do you deal with C19 confinement with your work?

My job is solely internet based so I have been able to focus more on it.

Something about your current or future projects? Where can we continue to see and hear?

I hope to get better at making lush pads and acid lines in the future.

Has this situation influenced your creative perspective? What social and musical implications do you think this situation can lead to?

I think there is going to be more good music made during this time than would be made if this didn’t happen due to people being stuck at home with their gear.

Tony Rainwater


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